Portable Gas Detectors

Multichannel Portable Gas Analyser

Multichannel Portable Gas Analyser

Portable Gas Detectors

GFM 406

Gas Data / UK

  • Ex. Rating: EEx ib IIB T1
  • Provides measurements of up to 7 gases
  • Optional expansions to measure atmospheric, static, and differential pressures.
  • Small and portable – easily fits in one hand.
  • SiteMan PC software included
  • High-contrast LCD display
  • User-swappable battery pack
  • Battery life ranging from 8 to 12 hours and 4 hours charging time
  • Charger suited to client’s country
  • Protective, weather-proof leather case
  • Supplied in ready-to-go site kit
  • Manual and unattended data-logger with USB download
  • Optional extra of vane anemometer to measure gas velocity of 0.5 – 40m/s
  • Optional extra brass probe to measure gas temperature

Gases Monitored
CH₄, CO₂, O₂, H₂S, H₂, CO
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