Gas Analyzers

NO₂/NO/NOx Monitor

NO₂/NO/NOx Monitor

Gas Analyzers


2B Technologies / USA

  • Measurement of NO₂ over the range 0-10 ppm; measurement of NO over the range 0-2 ppm
  • Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) for NO₂ over the ranges 0-500 ppb and 20-30°C(EQNA-0217-243)
  • Measurement frequency of once every five seconds, with selectable averaging times of 1 min, 5 min, and 1 hour
  • Three measurement modes: NO₂ only; NO only; or NO, NO₂, and NOx
  • SD card for virtually unlimited, portable data logging
  • Power consumption: ~16 watts after warmup
  • Long-Life pump (~15,000 hours)
  • DewLine for elimination of any water vapor interference, a unique feature of 2B Tech instruments
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