Combustible Gas Leak Detectors

Remote methane leak detector

Remote methane leak detector

Combustible Gas Leak Detectors



The GAS•TRAC® LZ-30 revolutionizes remote methane leak detection. By providing quick and accurate readings at up to 100 feet with its advanced TDLAS (tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy) technology.

Moreover, the GAS•TRAC® LZ-30‘s compact size is one of its key benefits, enabling its usage in hard-to-reach areas. Where traditional leak detectors are inapplicable. This device eliminates the need to climb to elevated areas, access fenced-in properties, or directly access the gas plume. Providing a safe and cost-effective remedy for remote methane leak detection.

In addition to its remote methane detection capabilities, the GAS•TRAC® LZ-30 comes at a competitive price. Making it a cost-effective option for businesses and industries that require methane detection.

Furthermore, its ergonomic design makes it easy to maintain, and it comes with a rechargeable battery, ensuring a low cost of ownership.
  • Methane selectivity: The device is custom-designed to detect methane gas specifically, filtering out other gases for methane selectivity
  • Adjustable alarm points: The adjustable visual and audible alarm points alert the user when methane levels exceed a certain threshold
  • Intrinsically safe: The GAS•TRAC® LZ-30 is engineered to prevent the ignition of hazardous environments.
    It is ideal for use in potentially explosive areas such as those in the natural gas industry
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